My 30 Favourite Louise Hay Affirmations

Louise Hay Affirmations

Pure positive affirmations are the bricks and mortar for creating a formidable life. Just as salt adds taste to our meal, affirmations make ourlives tasteful. Through afffirmations we consciously influence our present conditions and also create our future.

Our self-talks and self-beliefs greatly affect the shapes of our lives. With affirmations we can allign our self-talks and self-beliefs with the universe to create successful lives. Here's a collection of my favourite Louise Hay affirmations to get you started in the creation of an enviable life.

Louise L. Hay has inspired millions of people to free themselves from the bonds of self-limiting thoughts through her insightful teachings. Through her amazing affirmations, quite a number of people have been able to free themselves from the cycles of fear, stress, and guilt that limit our lives.

Success Affirmations

1. Everything I touch is a success.

2. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me.

3. There is plenty for everyone, including me.

4. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.

5. Riches of every sort are drawn to me.

Career Affirmations

1. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.

2. My job allows me to express my talents and abilities, and I am grateful for this employment.

3. I am opening my consciousness to a greater prosperity and part of that prosperity is an increased salary.

4. I create a good feeling at work.
I realize there are laws that govern the Universe, and I work with these laws in every area of my life.

5. I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location and earning good money.

Money & Prosperity Affirmations

1. I am a magnet for money. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.

2. Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

3. I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and my finances reflect this change.

4. I am open and receptive to all the wealth in the Universe.

5. I am an individual being accepting from an unlimited source in an unlimited way.

Health & Healing Affirmations

Also Read: 10 Simple Healing Prayers With Bible Quotes That Really Work Miracles

1. I let go of all negativity that rests in my body and mind.

2. I am constantly discovering new ways to improve my health.

3. Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.

4. I am ready to be healed. I am willing to forgive. All is well.

5. I am grateful for my healthy body. I love life.

Creativity & Productivity Affirmations

1. The key to creativity is knowing that my thinking creates my experience. I use this key in every area of my life.

2. My talents are in demand, and my unique gifts are appreciated by those around me.

3. Ideas come to me easily and effortlessly.

4. I release all resistance to expressing my creativity fully.

5. I am learning to be more creative every day.

Love Affirmations

1. I now deserve love, romance, and joy - and all the good that life has to offer me.

2. I am in a joyous, intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.

3. I draw love and romance into my life, and I accept it now.

4. I draw love and romance into my life, and I accept it now.

5. I am safe in all my relationships, and I give and receive lots of love.

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Chukwu Emmanuel

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