6 Accounting Resources That Could Set You Apart From Your Colleagues

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Which Of These Accounting Resources Are You Currently Using?

Whether you are an accountant in business (chartered or not) or you're preparing to write exams under professional accounting bodies like ICAN, ACCA ... or you are a small business owner, you have what it takes to be a kingpin in your industry but that might not happen by default, you need to do some extra work, a little more tweaking of your skills and talents. You definitely need some good accounting resources to improve on your output, and this post will point you to 6 of such resources.

From general to niche accounting, there's never been a better time to improve your productivity and efficiency than now. Apart from upgrading your qualifications, you need to commit to continuous self improvement. The following accounting resources will not only enhance your efficiency as an accountant, but will also get you noticed in the industry.

Accounting just like any other prominent profession is dynamic in nature - by dynamic I mean, there's no constant solution to every real life accounting problems. Just as the world is revolving by the seconds, accounting practices are revolving too. And to retain your relevance in the field, you must update yourself consistently. And that is where accounting resources come in handy.

Now, lets talk about the six accounting resources that could set you apart from your colleagues.

6 Accountants Resources That Could Set You Apart From Your Colleagues

1. Open Tuition

Open tuition is an award winning accountancy website with over 500,000 registered users across the globe. It was founded in 2008 by John Moffat (a big name in the accounting industry). And managed by a team of professional accountants with impeccable skills and competence in both general and niche account practices.

If you're looking for comprehensive study resources for ACCA, CIMA and the likes, look no further - just hit the signup button on this website for access to throngs of study resources (including video lectures) prepared by professional accountants with vast accounting knowledge and proven records.

The most interesting part of being a member of this forum is that the materials, technical advice, professional consultancy time, helpful information and networking platform are completely free of charge.

2. CPA Net

CPAnet is a website to visit whenever you're short on time and strength to wade through the "content glut" on the internet. Here, you'll find tools and resources to help you quickly find quality information on the Internet.

This is a curation site, founded in March 1996 by Brenda Mizgorski that is hugely focused on helping young CPA and CPA exam candidate find timely information in a rapidly changing landscape. In addition, CPAnet hosts lively and active communities within its discussion forums, niche communities and social outlets that primarily cater to those seeking to obtain their CPAs and sit for the CPA Exam.

If you are looking for new and innovative ways to serve your clients and grow their businesses, you may want to checkout CPA net.

3. ScheduleOnce

Scheduling meetings and appointments with customers and prospects has become lot easier since the development of ScheduleOnce. With this software, you can effectively schedule group or one-on-one meetings with your clients. The price of the software ranges from $5/month - $49/month. You can try the software for free for 14days. Check it out here.

4. Accounting Today

Accounting Today is a leading information resource for public accountants – serving the community of professionals who provide tax preparation, book-keeping, auditing, financial planning, and business advisory and consulting services to individuals and small businesses.

Accounting Today is sharply focused on the industry’s most important concerns, including tax law, accounting standards, technology, audit and assurance, and wealth management. Its analysis and breaking news, opinion and expert advice, and practical business-building ideas enable partners, principals and practitioners to make informed decisions about their business and the clients they serve.

In this site you'll find the best information that accounting profession has to offer. Just subscribe to their newsletter and start enjoying daily insights that will enhance your accounting practice.

5. Box.com

Box is an amazing business-oriented tools that you can use to manage your documents and projects all in one place. It is a cloud storage tool that allows multiple users edit, and update documents in real time. Beyond the storage of documents, with Box, you can secure your documents. You can try it for free, just click here to Signup.

6. Sequence Inc.

Sequence Inc. is a forensic accounting site that covers a wide range of fraud related topics. You'll learn quite a number of helpful things about ponzi schemes, MLM income disclosures, financial statement fraud, investigation of embezzlement, verifying Divorce income and Child Support cases.

What other accounting resources would you like to add to the list? Please, share your thoughts on this post with me, I'd love to know what you think.

Chukwu Emmanuel

I am so passionate about helping people improve their lives... I research, cultivate, curate and share highly valuable and relevant contents from reputable websites to help you reach your full potential without scouring through the internet.

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