Will Looking At Porn Hurt My Marriage?

Will Looking At Porn Hurt My Marriage?
Pornography (often abbreviated porn) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal or excitement. Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, writing, film, video, and video games.

Believe it or not the momentary pleasure derived from porn viewing is nothing compared to the negative effect it has on individuals, family and society. For some it's psychological damages and others irreparable marital damages (resulting in dead love or divorce).

If you're wondering if watching porn can have negative impact on your marriage read on...

Today, porn materials are everywhere - you could even get them unsolicited. The temptation to indulge in porn watching or seeing is stronger today than it has ever been.

Wait, before you read any further, I want you to know that the following lines are not what most people would refer to as "sermon as usual" and they are not mere hypothesis... Most of the points were gathered from samples of research conducted by some experts.

I've compiled for surprising ways porn looking could harm your beautiful marriage, I pray that the grace to break free from porn addiction be bestowed upon you if you're addicted already.
"Countless couples are trying to figure out how to deal with pornography within their relationship. Some couples report using pornography to enhance their sexual relationship. Others aim to completely avoid using it. And a third group are discovering that they don't agree about the use of pornography." - Kevin B Skinner Ph.D., pyschologytoday.com 

1. Porn Creates Distrust
When a wife discovers that her husband is viewing pornography, she often has feelings of rage, repulsion, disappointment, and mistrust. Her feelings of anger and hurt are intensified if he prefers viewing porn over having sex with her.

While many wives consider pornography to be insulting, degrading, and a form of cheating, many husbands do not understand their wives' anger about the use of pornography and do not see themselves as being unfaithful. - By Sheri Stritof, Thespruce.com

2. Porn Creates Unreal Expectations
Porn is not reality! It’s a movie created by a director and paid actors who…hate to burst your bubble…are acting! It’s not real! And guess what, most of them hate it. Many of the female actors were coerced into the film industry at a very young age outside of their will. A high number of female actors take drugs to cope with both the physical pain of filming and the emotional pain. The suicide rate is high among both male and female actors. By Wesley, Debt to Life

3.Porn Affects Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction
The key to a strong, long-lasting relationship is the couple’s ability to build emotional intimacy. Emotional intimacy, not sexual intimacy, is what makes a relationship most meaningful. Of course if you take your cues from the porn sites or even from the relentless messages streaming through the media, you might think that sex is the prime binding agent in relationships. Despite the fact that this myth is pervasive in our sex-obsessed culture, it is the emotional intimacy that makes a person feel valued, cherished, loved, cared for, listened to and appreciated. When emotional intimacy is kindled between two people, satisfaction with their sexual union is far greater. There is no need to go outside of that relationship for other types of sexual stimulation or entertainment. - By Gary Gilles,Mentalhelp.net

4. Porn Hurts Your PartnerHere’s an inconvenient truth: Two of the most respected pornography researchers, professors Jennings Bryant and Dolf Zillman at the University of Alabama, have studied the effects of porn and media for more than 30 years. They report that when it comes to porn use, “no rigorous research demonstrations of desirable effects can be reported.” In other words, in all the serious research on porn, no one has found it has any benefits. What several studies have found, however, is that partners of porn users often report feeling loss, betrayal, mistrust, devastation, and anger when they learn that the other half of their committed relationship has been using porn. Many partners show physical symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Studies also show that even casual porn use can cause users to feel less attracted to their partners. And frequent pornography use is more likely to cause participants to feel less satisfied with their partner’s looks, sexual performance, and willingness to try new sexual acts.- By Sheri Mueller, growthtrac.com

Read: Does Viewing Pornography Reduce Marital Quality Over Time? Evidence from Longitudinal Data By Samuel L. Perry
Photo Credit: ids.org

Chukwu Emmanuel

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