Billy Graham Devotional - Dream Great Dreams September 10, 2017

Topic: Dream Great Dreams
Bible Verse: Be thou faithful unto death . . . —Revelation 2:10

In our day much of the world believes little or nothing. People are broad but shallow. Agnosticism, anxiety, emptiness, meaninglessness, have gripped much of the world—and even the church. Our youth are desperately searching for a purpose and a meaning in their lives. They are searching for fulfillment which they are not finding in sex and drugs. By contrast, our Pilgrim forebears stand as shining examples of men who were narrow but deep, certain of what they believed, unswerving in their loyalty, and passionately dedicated to the God they trusted, and for whom they would willingly have died. I say to you, more than 350 years after the Pilgrim Fathers landed in the New World: Dream great dreams, embrace great principles, renew your hope, but above all, like them, believe in the Christ who alone can give total meaning and an ultimate goal to your life. “For in Him we live and move and have our being.”

Listen: Billy Graham shares there is hope for the future.

Prayer for the day
May I always be faithful to my belief in You, Lord Jesus Christ. Where there is despair, use me to bring Your hope.

Chukwu Emmanuel

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