Male Infertility: 10 Amazing Facts You Should Never Ignore

Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. Infertility can also refer to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception, or to a female who cannot carry a pregnancy to full term. In many countries infertility refers to a couple that has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.

There is absolute infertility, connected with pathological conditions that exclude the ability to conceive, and relative infertility that can be corrected. There is also primary infertility (the parents were never pregnant before) and secondary infertility (anamnesis illustrates previous pregnancy (-ies)).

Below is a collection of some surprising, crazy and interesting facts about male infertility worth knowing... Here, you'll get a hint on the signs, causes and treatment of male infertility:

1. The most common cause of male infertility is a Dilated veins in the spermatic cord above or around the testis that can cause decreased sperm production on the affected side.varicocele. It occurs when you have enlarged veins in your The skin-covered sac that contains the testes. scrotum. This is the skin Pouch; a bag-like structure." sac that hangs behind your penis. A varicocele can occur on one or both sides. It makes the inside of your scrotum warmer, which reduces The male germ cell. Also called spermatozoon.sperm production. Age can also be a factor. The ability to have children. Fertility starts to decrease in men after age 35.

2.  A man’s fertility is also linked with his hormone health. Changes in virility, often governed by hormones, could indicate issues with fertility.  — for example, difficulty with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated, reduced sexual desire or difficulty maintaining an erection (erectile dysfunction).

3. Another common problem is a temporary drop in sperm production. This happens when the testicles have been injured, such as when the testicles have been too hot for too long or the man has been exposed to chemicals or medications that affect sperm production.

4. Spending a long time in a hot tub, for example, or wearing pants that hold the testicles too close to the body can increase the testicular temperatures and impair sperm production. Sometimes there is a physical reason. In the relatively common condition called varicocele, veins around the vas deferens - the duct that carries sperm from testicle to urethra - becomes dilated, similar to a varicose vein in the leg. The pooling of blood in these veins keeps the temperature inside the scrotum too high.

5. Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile. This means they aren't able to conceive a child even though they've had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. In up to half of these couples, male infertility plays a role.

6. Medication can treat some issues that affect male fertility, including hormone imbalances and erectile dysfunction. Surgery can be effective for repairing blockages in the tubes that transport sperm. Surgery can also be used for repair of varicocele.

7. Male infertility is usually caused by problems that affect either sperm production or sperm transport. Through medical testing, the doctor may be able to find the cause of the problem. About two-thirds of infertile men have a problem with making sperm in the testes.

8. More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, or both. The remaining cases of male infertility can be caused by a range of conditions including anatomical problems, hormonal imbalances, and genetic defects. Sperm abnormalities are a critical factor in male infertility.

9. There are several signs of infertility in men, most of them being subtle. There are the obvious ones such as lack of desire and trouble ejaculating, but there are other signs too, such as issues with your testicles. 

10. The quality and quantity of a man’s sperm begin to decline after age 40, and declines more after age 50. It’s not impossible for an older man to father a child, since they don’t go through menopause like women do and totally lose the ability to produce sperm. But sperm production does decline, and is a large part of some couples’ inability to conceive. 

Chukwu Emmanuel

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