So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health - AJ Materi
I have amassed enough wealth
but not bestowed with good health
I have fine body and healthy mind
permanent weakness with diseases of all kinds
I try to look reasonable as far as possible
something forces me not to be accessible
possible so much wealth stops me to be free?
Like so many heavy fruits laden on tree
All luxury and comforts is at my disposal
I like no suggestions or good proposals
May be inner false strength or pride prevents
Ill feeling coming on fore possibly to vents
I hope and feel there is soul like thing
it urges me to stop and to do something
I lack courage and enough strength
it stops me from going to any length
I have some feelings but can’t express
Read between lines but can’t redress
it may be lacking spirit or not enough?
Prevents me from facing the situation rough
I try to come out of situation with purge
With love and kind gestures to emerge
I still think body is not that strong
Stalls the desire to move and among
Why can’t I lead the ordinary life?
Is the time still not ripe?
Am I destined to be beggar?
Troubles are in store with pills coated with sugar
is it so difficult to come out of cage?
Rewrite complete things with new page?
The body doesn’t allow me to replace rage?
It has passed with youth and now old age
if I can’t be good human being with enough wealth?
Allow me to become ordinary man with good health
it hurts me more than anything else
I shall do it with strong resolve to repulse
It is no use to continue with weak body
Then it will be business of anybody
We will be just reliant on others
Worries may engulf us and bother
Wealth has still important role to play
It can make it easy for any other way
Health is to have little more dominant part
If one has to be healthy to look rally smart
Health and wealth can’t be at anybody’s cost
Both concern us equally in life very most
One can’t be done away with one another
It has to be supplement to each other
Since wealth has failed to deliver the goods
I shall be careful about my intake or food
I may send message through new initiative
Prove to the world with the strength relative
Poem by Hasmukh Amathalal