A Devotional By Billy Graham August 28, 2017 - Grace and Peace

Topic: Grace and Peace 

By Billy Graham 

Bible Reading: Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. —Ephesians 4:7

Daily Devotionals By Billy Graham - Grace and Peace

A Devotional for August 28, 2017

Grace and Peace
By Billy Graham

The Christian life is never spoken of in the Bible as a bed of roses. It is uphill, because society is coming one way and the Christian is going the opposite way. But Jesus said that in the midst of your problems, in the midst of your difficulties, He will be there to give you grace and peace. Underneath all the troubles, will be the “still waters” that the Great Shepherd can provide. Many people are trying to steady themselves by taking tranquilizers. Jesus is the greatest tranquilizer of all. He can straighten out your life and put you back on center. Let Him take full control. You’ll go on your way rejoicing, as did those in the New Testament who met Jesus.

Prayer for the day: I need Your calmness and strength, for there are many trials to face, Lord Jesus. By faith I reach out to You, and receive the gift of Your peace in my life.

Chukwu Emmanuel

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