I believe by now you already know that there is a direct relationship between the quality of a person’s life and the quality of his or her thoughts. The following Cindy Trimm quotes (culled from her book: Commanding Your Morning) will inspire you to use the power of words and thoughts creatively to turn your life into a masterpiece which it’s meant to be.
These quotes will constantly remind you that success and prosperity hinge on thoughts - prosperity begins in the mind - the journey from rag to riches is an internal trip - and that you are the sum total of your thoughts.
Cindy Trimm is a top notch motivational speaker, life coach, Author, Success Mentor, and preacher. She has helped throng of people rise above limitations through her insightful teachings. You too can gain victory over your current condition by individualizing these amazing quotes.
Cindy Trimm Quotes:
“Words have power, presence, and prophetic implications. They create a magnetic force that pulls the manifestation of what you speak – good or bad, blessing or cursing – from other realms, regions, and dimensions.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Many people have come to believe that life is a mystery that cannot be solved. They think that success and prosperity are destined for everyone except them, and they feel powerless and victimized as the events of their lives spiral out of control.” ~ Cindy Trimm
Your thoughts and words are transmitted like a short wave radio signal. They send messages out on a specific frequency and are transmitted back to you manifested as an experience or occurrence in your life.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Your environment will impact your attitude, focus, faith, and the intentionality of your thoughts.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“If you have trouble thinking outside of the box, then imagine creating a new one.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Your success and prosperity hinge on what lies within your mind.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Everyone in the universe has been given the same quantity of time: we all get twenty-four hours per day whether we live in the White House or the ghetto. What we do with those twenty-four hours determines what we accomplish in our lifetime.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“You have been given the opportunity to create a masterpiece of your life. While your thoughts are the colors you use to paint the background, your words are the brushes you use to fill in each detail.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Words released into the atmosphere do not disappear and dissipate. They have no geographical limitations.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“We are the sum total of every choice that we have ever made or let happen.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Just as in every seed, there is life-giving power that resides in every spoken word.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“There are many people who may not be as spiritual as you are, but nevertheless they were able to tap into something great. Whether by accident or providence, they are living lives beyond their wildest dreams, and you too can.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“If you don’t like where you are, you are only one thought away from turning toward the life you desire.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Your every present thought is a significant building block in determining the quality of your future.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Words don’t disappear once they are released into the atmosphere. They remain dormant there, incubating until the time for them to bear fruit is at hand.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Focus on doing what you know you should be doing, and let God do His part without doubting if He will or not.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“One of the wisest things we can do is to live life on purpose.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“Too many people release careless words into the atmosphere and can’t figure out why the life God as promised them isn’t happening the way they hoped it would.” ~ Cindy Trimm
“A king does not beg and cry for anything. He does not have to. He declares something, and that thing is established.” ~ Cindy Trimm